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Axis-aligned Filtering for Interactive Physically-based Rendering.
PhD dissertation by Soham Uday Mehta



Filtering Environment Illumination for Interactive Physically-Based Rendering in Mixed Reality.
Soham Uday Mehta, Kihwan Kim, Dawid Pajak, Kari Pulli, Jan Kautz and Ravi Ramamoorthi.

Presented at EGSR 2015, Darmsdadt (Germany).

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Fast 4D Sheared Filtering for Interactive Rendering of Distribution Effects.
Ling-Qi Yan, Soham Uday Mehta, Ravi Ramamoorthi and Fredo Durand.

Published in ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2015

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Factored Axis-Aligned Filtering for Rendering Multiple Distribution Effects.
Soham Mehta, Ravi Ramamoorthi and Fredo Durand.

Presented at Siggraph 2014, Vancouver.

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Axis-Aligned Filtering for Interactive Physically-Based Diffuse Indirect Lighting.
Soham Mehta, Brandon Wang, Ravi Ramamoorthi and Fredo Durand.

Presented at Siggraph 2013, Anaheim.

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Axis-Aligned Filtering for Interactive Sampled Soft Shadows.
Soham Mehta, Brandon Wang, and Ravi Ramamoorthi.
ACM Trans. Graph., 31(6):163:1–163:10, Nov 2012.

Presented at Siggraph Asia 2012, Singapore.

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Analytic Tangent Irradiance Environment Maps for Anisotropic Surfaces.
Soham Mehta, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Mark Meyer, and Christophe Hery.
Computer Graphics Forum, 31(4):1501–1508, June 2012.

Presented at Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2012, Paris.

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